Instagram Disabled Recovery

Service type: Instagram Ban Recovery
Price: varies

can recover pretty much any ban type excluding a perm ban. if you have a page you would like to recover or reinstate, dm me.

Lets get your accounts back :slight_smile: I’ve done over 15 in the last week!

Usually takes about 12hrs-6 days depending on ban

Whats the difference between a “ban” and a “perm ban”?

Please state how long it will take to do in your listing

it will basically say the account will never be reinstated

dump, pm and lets recover

Hopefully you mean bump and not dump :grimacing:

yes lol

i’m back at it. charge the cheapest of them all. don’t submit for less than $500. must show proof of funds and will redisable if you try to scam. dm for pricing

Also copyright?

copyright is only unbanable if all claims are paid off

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Must ask if there is a time warranty for this service (ie the account won’t get rebanned shortly after the payment is made)

i give a few days

thats good - so lets say we pay the fee, and the accounts gets disabled again after 21 days - then we are S.O.L and lose the $ ? Or would you reactivate it again?

asking because i have two pages i need this for - 120k and 45k

if it gets disabled after 21 days it’s out of “warranty” per say. i only take charge if the account gets redisable rather quickly. after a few days it’s all on you

Topic cleaned up, please keep it on topic. Thank you.

bump bunp

Check dm

@SWAPD has he performed this service successfully? And have his accounts went back down after?