Instagram follower accept limit

Yeah of course yeah… One of 1.2m page is back to normal and a 50k page too

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I still got this problem. :pensive:

@MediaBoy, did you switch to public for 2 months or after 2 months its get fixed?

Because I have this issue for almost 2 months, but I tried to switch few times from public to private.
After a month of trying switching again and again to see if its fixed, I decided to stay public.
At the end of February, it will be 2 months.
Do you think it will be fixed?

Keep it private and after a few days things will go normal. Dont switch it again and again. When you make a switch , it resets the penalty time again starting from Zero.

Oh no.

So if my last change was to public in 2nd February, I have to wait until 2nd April? :confused:

Yes sir, you need to turn it back to private and wait till 22nd february if you turn it today :confused:

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