Instagram problem

Hello everyone, Swapd.

I had a problem with my Instagram account. The account has always had an excellent asset and self-growth of subscribers. At one point, the self-growth suddenly disappeared and a strong unsubscription of subscribers began. The asset remains the same. What could be the reason? Is this some kind of bug?


Maybe some kind of shadowban?

How can you find out if you are shadowbanned or not?

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Check out this topic:
★Instagram SHADOWBAN removal for FREE | Guide★ - Discussions / Helpful Articles & Tutorials - SWAPD

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very thanks bro :heart:

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Everything that is written in the article, I have it all set up :frowning: but there is a strong unfollow from the account, sometimes abruptly +, sometimes abruptly -

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Were there any changes with the upload schedule/ uploaded contet type?
Also, are you sure that all your followers were non-botted?

No, everything is the same, nothing has changed.

There were no bots in the account, there were always live subscribers, maybe my competitors tried to cast bots, but I’m not sure
