★ Instagram Username Claims via MEDIA PORTAL | Fast & Cheap | ★

sent inquiry regarding 4 usernames, can you reply?



Hey, can you check your messages? Would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Hi guys! The service is active again.
Taking new requests!

I can MEGA VOUCH for this service. It was done so perfect and fast. @umutcan will get the username first then message you from it before purchasing.

Thank you for your service definitely will be using you tons.

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Thank you for using our service. Taking new requests! :black_heart:

UPDATE: In some cases, we can claim ACTIVE handles. (Price varies depending on the handle)

Another request just completed :black_heart:
Taking new requests! :rocket: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

sent pm


Sent you a PM @umutcan

Another request just completed :black_heart:
Taking new requests! :rocket: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

Taking new requests! :rocket: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

Do you also do active account?

Can you reply to dm if you can do

Another request just completed for @HamzaKhan :black_heart:
Taking new requests! :rocket: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

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Another request completed - Taking new requests! :black_heart:

claimed user for me in 5 days - goated service!

Thank you for using our service. Taking new requests! :black_heart: