Instagram verification with fake musician

Hi we want to verify a username on instagram as fake musician

spotify & apple music is ready
photos are ready (published as archive on page and when you submit we can un archive them)

dont have pr in music releated website(want you publish)

we want a guranteed to get verify and if cant full refund the money

want to submit via portal

anybody can do this please pm me

budget : 4,000-5,000$


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yes i saw them in but for fake musician get hight prices

You should check this one:


why they dont answer but bump their topic?

I don’t know, You should bump their pm.

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Let me know if you end up doing the deal with anyone

@passphrase @successmeasures pm me guys if u want to get this done :slight_smile:
Send me the case and the @, and I will look.

yes you said you cant to turkey cases

Ahhh, yes :frowning:

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