It's now easier to lure new members to SWAPD and reap the SWAPD Rewards!

Bumping! Is anyone using this yet?

Bumping! Is anyone using this yet?


I wouldnt send my worst enemy here 🥹

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That sounds like a slogan!

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Polish noob!

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I would’ve invited so many more new members if the link would work on Instagram

That we can’t do anything about, we got it unbanned a few times and were instantly banned the next day. SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES HATE US BECAUSE OF THIS ONE NEAT TRICK!


You can now share categories as links and get credited with the referral. However, you have to manually append ?u=USERNAME to the URL before sharing.

For example

To share the Fanpage category -
Add this to the end (change USERNAME to your @Handle1) -


tfw people go out of their way to not sign up under the referral when you share it :sob: WHERES MY 2 PERCENT LEBOWSKI?!

Bumping again! Since SWAPD is been rejected pretty much everywhere as far as advertising goes, our only hope for growth is for users to share our links. Not only it will help the community, but you will also earn money while at it.

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20% and I’ll think about it

I don’t think people understand the concept of 2%, so here is an example:

  • KK, so a sale is 1000 USD.
  • We keep (if the person you invited turned out DC like you) 7%, so 70 USD.
  • In the end, you get 20 USD, and we get 50 USD.

That’s actually 28.57% you’re getting from our pay. Now get to work, @killua.