It's now easier to lure new members to SWAPD and reap the SWAPD Rewards!

We’ve recently implemented an easier way to gain referrals so that you can earn 20-30% (for life) via our SWAPD Rewards. A few members suggested this feature, and we’ve finally caved in.

So, what changed?

In the past, to have a referred user credited to your account, you had to share your ref link found in your Rewards Panel. The link looked like this:

And even though this way of inviting new members still works, it presents the following problems:

  1. It brings new members to the front page. Not too enticing, especially if you want to share something specific on our site.
  2. It looks like an obvious referral link to which many people are allergic to. People just think you want to make money from their signup, so they ignore your request to join the site.

The new link!

Now, you can share ANY link to ANY new potential member, and the signup will be credited to your account. Just click this icon on any post/topic to copy your personal invite link (you must log in for this to work).

This will allow you to:

  1. Link new users directly to your topic
  2. Any interesting article
  3. Services he/she may be looking for

This should greatly improve conversion rates.
We hope you enjoy this new SWAPD improvement.


You can now share categories as links and get credited with the referral. However, you have to manually append ?u=USERNAME to the URL before sharing.

For example

To share the Fanpage category -
Add this to the end (change USERNAME to your @Handle1) -


Very good ■■■■ 🫡




I wish this feature be introduced earlier :smiling_face_with_tear:


Ty ty, it was all my idea.


All my referrals are banned… well time to go find some more


Great work



You, by far, are the worst at this. Where did you share your links? Truck stop bathroom stall? Literally, everyone you invited were scammers, hackers, and malicious users.


As a store manager :trophy:trophy for discreetness. I can tell u that this will increase bottom line profit by 18% at the end of the year… u need a raise :clap: that’s seriously genius. Now I am not afraid to show my friends my own services or heck even my community fellow swapd members services because I’m not losing business even if I lose business to them I still get 2% :muscle: that’s incredible. Just one little tweak can be the different between success and failure.

I had a wedding business back in 2014 and even shot miss Florida pageant winner 2015 Kelsey beck (also miss Boston) people asked how are u shooting all these beautiful women and getting them to pay u so much money because I see your prices for video starting at 5k.

Well my one secret was I had 2 brands… yes 2 wedding names. An expensive one that I advertised and didn’t budge on pricing u less she was beautiful. and the cheap one that kept me busy so I don’t get desperate for money. and I would only show case the beautiful work and attribute it to my expensive brand on Facebook. But that one little tweak of having 2 was my secret. Or else I would’ve got desperate and dropped the pricing on my expensive brand and had no choice but to showcase ugly brides lol

So I appreciate a great tweak good job :trophy::heart::muscle:

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Yes, sounds like me.

I can tell u that this will increase bottom line profit by 18% at the end of the year

We will hold you personally responsible if it doesn’t.

Well my one secret was I had 2 brands… yes 2 wedding names. An expensive one that I advertised and didn’t budge on pricing u less she was beautiful. and the cheap one that kept me busy so I don’t get desperate for money. and I would only show case the beautiful work and attribute it to my expensive brand on Facebook. But that one little tweak of having 2 was my secret. Or else I would’ve got desperate and dropped the pricing on my expensive brand and had no choice but to showcase ugly brides lol

That’s actually pretty genius! I love it! Next month, new reveal:

So I appreciate a great tweak good job

Thank you :slight_smile: (Sorry for the bad jokes, am tired)


The best for you <3


:man_facepalming: Spoke to soon :joy::joy::rofl:


If @Brant Jumped out of a Helicopter I will invite 10 People :sweat_smile: ( Also I will be rich by referral :smiley: )

Btw It’s an nice update :fire:


We’re having 10+ members, ps make sure they’ll use my ref codes👀


Knowing where Yair found a couple of those users I can tell you that yes, they were found in the actual equivalent of an internet truck stop. Facebook Groups have the worst kind of members.


Yes, more money!

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SWAPD was never about the money, it was about the power and women.


Yair, please log out of SWAPD’s account.


Please don’t insult me like that


We had a slight hiccup with the upgrade, the system will be operational in 1-2 hours. Sorry!

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