Ledger owners. Is your ledger synchronizing forever?

if the ledger decides not to withdraw funds and disappears, the whole crypto world will bleed, a lot of people will go bankrupt and it won’t come back soon

honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if this caused the crypto market to be shaken for many years


— Your cryptocurrency is stored on the blockchain and your private key unlocks the use of the crypto coins/tokens.

— If Ledger didn’t exist anymore, your cryptocurrency coins and keys would be safe and you could still access them.

— You can retrieve your private key that your Ledger wallet was securing with a 24-word recovery phrase and it can be entered into a compatible wallet, meaning your coins are safe from loss if anything happened to Ledger.

The crypto coins live on the blockchain and the keys to your coins live where you choose (ideally, in a secure location where no one else can access). The coins themselves don’t exist on any device or platform, not even on Ledger devices . Your wallet only stores and protects your private key.




@MeG is reporting the BTC now works, so it may be fixed. All other coins now work fine.


Ledger is for noobs. Get a Trezor


lol what, its a cold storage wallet; you can recover it in 10 seconds


No TRON network on Trezor :frowning:

Yeah same

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Trezor > Ledger.

Always remember that Ledger had all the data on its customers leaked once.

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Names/emails, and only who signed up for their website. I never gave my ledger any emails or names.

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It seems BTC is suffering the same fate, it only worked for a day.

micro usb is for peasants lol

@SWAPD sir, they’re live on Youtube. You all can ask them about issues you’re facing and they will answer you or fix it.

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Did that. You should all post there and let them know.

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