Legacy verify fresh Instagram on YOUR DESIRED username

I can set up a legacy verified Instagram account with your desired username, and no additional requirements are necessary.

Simply provide the username you wish to verify, and I’ll create the account for you.

It’s important to note that this is not a meta-verification. The accounts appear in celebrities search.

The service typically takes up to 14 days, but usually done in 7 days.

All I require is the desired username. No additional criteria are needed. NO PRESS NEEDED

The account will not be linked to a phone number and comes with Original Email (OGE).

Price: 3000$ plus fees



fake case verify ?

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Service is BACK, DM for more info :rocket:

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This will be done on a new account? Any warranty in regards to if the account gets debadged few months down the line?

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That’s right, account would be created from scratch. Unfortunately, no badge warranties

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