Looking to buy your running business for up to 100k$

If you have one or multiple businesses that you’re looking to sell, feel free to send them through!

Only criteria = Active revenue stream of a minimum of a few K per month

Looking for:
-Youtube Channels
-FBA Products or Shops
-Anything similar


I am looking to buy active businesses, not mentoring. Thanks for reading my post :roll_eyes:

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If my business makes $300 per month profit
For how much you’ll buy it for ?

Mate, I appreciate your input but can you please read my post? The only criteria I had was that the businesses should at least generate a few K/Thousand dollars per month to be considered. :roll_eyes:

I am asking about ROI
How much can you pay for a business generating $10K a month

I am not looking to chit chat man. If you have a business/project for sale that matches my criteria, pm me with info, proof of revenue, and your price. Simple as that.


i have a facebook group all usa and premium
niche keto 500k
you can share to get profits from website ( adsense )
i can give you your own book of keto meal plan
all of this in 16k$

I’m interested to sell my business - with a one-time-deal described below.

See here: CD-Rom for Hypnosis - Anorgasmia in Women and Erectile Dysfunction in Men Proven CURES | Hospital Mart

Sold one cd - £12,000 cheque paid to me - in December. Receipt available. home-based enterprise

Cost of cd - pennies + my time. I will offer you - cd at low price. DM details to you soon.