[MENTORING] Learn How to CHANGE USERNAMES and NAMES on VERIFIED TIKTOKS and earn $200 for each service!

how come my username got reverted like 3 times when you did it


hey, it was reverted 2 times on one account, it wasn’t a service on several profiles, only on one.

yes, I admit it will happen sometimes, and I admit that it also happened on your profile - we even wrote in private messages. but by using my method you reduce the risk.

when selling this service, I inform customers that this can happen, but as I say - when you buy a method, you get information on how to avoid it, but you can’t prevent it 100%.

many customers have bought, many customers are still using and are satisfied (check my feedback), but this is business, you can’t influence everything

thank you! :hearts:

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no hard feelings, I’m over it just wanted to correct your claim also I’m not the only one, someone else msg’d me saying his username got reverted as well… anyways GLWS


sucess rate is 95%!
changed over 100 usernames onsite

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I vouch for Madej experienced seller and have worked with him in a couple accounts.

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Why is this method needed? I have changed username on over 20 verified tiktok from within the app and never had an issue. The app gives you an option to change name and not lose badge. Only lose badge if you do the option to change it immediately (and the app warns you that you will lose it if you choose that option).

Just trying to understand b/c never personally had an issue with a rename

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Because if you change it in a different way TikTok could think it’s sus and will ban your account lol


bump bump bump!

