Our Buy Crypto services have been restored for US residents (finally!)

Good news, our Buy Crypto page, where you can purchase any type of crypto (or sell for fiat) is finally available to US residents (with the exception of NY and Hawaii). Currently, users are able to purchase up to 700 USD/EUR worth of crypto without any KYC, and 7000 USD/EUR daily with KYC. Please note, US purchases require KYC for any amount, but that will change in the next few weeks.

Checkout our Buy/Sell Crypto page: SWAPD

We accept VISA, MasterCard, SEPA, SWIFT, GPay, and Apple Pay.


Cool :+1:t4:


nice :whale:

Finally, I was gonna buy crypto here but couldn’t.

Would love for a US-member to confirm that things work again.

Do something for Indian Members as well

Sending scud missiles at your parliament building right now.


Yes what?