PSA: SWAPD will be fully offline on Thursday between 10-12 AM Central European Time (UPGRADE COMPLETE)

Yes, comadre.

From our server admins:

The database is “cold”, it still needs to fill its cache.
So please don’t be disappointed with performance for the next half hour or so, things will get good real soon now.

Personally, I am already seeing an improvement. Not a whopping difference, but things are loading faster.

i am seeing a lot of improvement in terms of loading time

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At least .25 faster

It is what it is. We’re poor, can’t afford better.

Things will further improve in March 2022, once we audit our entire code and patch things up.

The cache is almost full. I can safely say that I personally see around a 30%+ improvement.

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Congrats :heart:

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In yo face!


Damn, that’s a nice score

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So fast now!

Now we need faster checkouts

Faster checkouts = more opportunities for scams.

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why is swapd so slow today.
also going down again and again

What? It’s fast for me.

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i am seeing downtimes server errors and having thumnail issues as well

Post screenshots next time it happens, please.

Ok i will