Selling 13.9K followers Basketball page

Country of followers (majority): Global Page
Amount of followers: Around 13.9K followers
Topic/Niche: Basketball
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Initially follow for follow till around 1K followers then the page has grown organically till here.

Description: We are a basketball page and as of now we have around 13.9K followers on Instagram. We have the original email of this account. In terms of audience as of now top 5 countries on our page are - 1) US (21.8%), 2) Brazil (17.8%), 3) Turkey (4.2%), 4) India (3. 5%), 5) Mexico (3.4%). If you want to pay through escrow then extra charges will be applicable according to the escrow fees. So if you are interested then you can make a offer or contact us.

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