Selling 20k + Channel / Anime Music Category

Amount of subscribers: 20k +
Country of subscribers (majority): United States, Germany
Topic/Niche: Music
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic
The channel is a Nightcore lyric music channel.
The video’s on the channel aren’t monetised because I haven’t used it for making money yet. .
The Channel hasn’t used its custom url.
Paypal or Bank Transfer will be accepted as payment.

Hi! Can you send me (dm) the name of the account? Does it have OG mail? Accept Escrow?

Pm username

link please

Link please

Yes! Pm the Channel Please.

UPDATE: The channel isn’t eligible for monetisation, but it’s still for sale. I expected this since it’s a music lyric channel, but there’s still an excellent opportunity to grow it and make money through other means with it.

I’ve updated the original post.



This is an Escrow Forum and all deals are done via this Escrow onsite. No need to discuss it and please read TOS. Thanks

SWAPD is a Middleman Escrow and all deals will be done here onsite. I hope I did not get it wrong and have guided rightly. Thanks


Oh right, I forgot what Escrow meant. That’s fine with me. :slight_smile:

Ignore the message above, I do accept Escrow.

is this still available ?

link please

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