Selling 63K instagram related to satisfying videos

Country of followers (majority): india
Amount of fans/followers: 63.6K
Topic/Niche: Satisfying videos
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic

Description: The account comes with oge and was originally girls account but it was rebranded to satisfying videos related account. The account is doing good on the new niche with 10-20K reach. Would sell in low prices. Throw up your best offer.



Not that low :expressionless:

That low is my best bro :blush:

Good luck.

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Warning! Your listing is missing key data!

Seller, we please ask you to update your listing and include the mandatory query: Does it include the OG (original) email?:. Telling potential buyers whether your account sale includes the original email or not will save you (and them) a lot of time. This is your only warning, we will remove the listing if you don’t comply in a timely manner.

Thank you for listing on SWAPD and good luck with sales. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any other active admin.

Updated @Goofy

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Handle and current price in PM, thanks!



Please only bump your thread once every 24 hours.

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Pretty interested in this. Is it still available?

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pm me, interested

Sold offsite @SWAPD please close this thread

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