Selling a Viral Twitter account with og email

Amount of followers: 177k , still growing
Country of followers (majority): usa, uk europe brasil Argentina
Topic/Niche: memes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): s4s /organic

Description: selling my viral Twitter accounts with 177k followers and its still growing pretty good with daily growth of 3k-4k followers organically and all the posts are super viral and many of my tweets have gone super viral grown from 20k to 177k in 2 months. Plus we haven’t purchased Twitter blue neither we monetised our account its fresh and new. Best offers and serious buyers can reply and personal message for url/username

Pm user & price

Now its 210k still growing fast bump to grab fast

Dm the account’s username please

Handle please?

Now it’s 218k bump fast to grab it

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