Selling Instagram Fitness Page. Active 32k followers

Property type: Fitness Page
Amount of fans/followers: 32k ACTIVE followers
Country of followers (majority): USA / UK
Topic/Niche: Fitness
Did you use automation/engagement networks/tricks to build up the activity?: No
Price: $500 OBO

Description: Active fitness page. I’m taking my grind somewhere else, and I don’t want this page to go to waste!

  • A Unique Fashion account.

Followers: Rising daily

  • Promote your own Business or others (profits)
  • Advertise/Collaborate in return for payments/freebies
  • Grow/Build up additional accounts

A lucrative business investment if used properly.

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I am interested in this page. Can you please let me know the url so I can check it out?

pme url and demografic

Hey here is the URL: Username removed Demographic is USA / UK. Please let me know as there are multiple people interested. Thank you.

Hi interested, please send URL

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