Service Available: Netlify Website + Redirect Feature Back to Original Site

Service type: Netlify Website Creation + Redirect Feature Back to Original Website
Price: $2,500 USD

Have you noticed on Facebook that fan pages are now posting links from a URL and then it redirects back to their original website? Website owners are now doing this as Netlify is designed to deliver the fastest speeds possible for your website, ultimately making it more possible for your content to go viral.

If you’re looking for a Netlify website + redirect back to your website, I am offering this service.

The process is pretty simple.

We would just need access to your website, then we would set up a Netlify account and a GitHub account for you. Then we will link your GitHub and original website and start creating the Netlify site. Once this process is complete, Netlify will deploy (build) the result whenever you publish a new article on your website and push to your Git repository.

Please keep in mind that Netlify does have additional costs if you take too many “Build Minutes”.

For more details on how Netlify prices things out, see this link on their website: Netlify Pricing and Plans

Build Minutes are: The time it takes Netlify to build your site—to run site generators, compile JavaScript, and perform other tasks

Essentially, Build Minutes add up any time you post new articles on your original website and want to push them to your Netlify site. For example, whenever you post a new article to your original website, you will “Deploy” Netlify to “Build” (or update) your Netlify site with the new content you just posted on your original site.

If you are interested in this service, let me know and we can get started!

P.S. I am in no way affiliated with Netlify. I am just a fan of their platform and use it for my websites to deliver faster content to my website visitors.

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