SMM Secrets: A Blueprint to Making Millions with SMM

Given that you’re on SWAPD, you probably have something to do with Social Media Marketing (SMM). I do too.

My primary SMM site generates $1m a year in revenue (80-90% of which is profit). It requires 15-30 mins of my attention a day, and is, for the most part fully automated.

Chances are, you are approaching SMM in a completely different way than I am.

My league is completely different from most SMM entrepreneurs that I’ve met/befriended online. I specialize in building businesses within SMM that are scalable, sustainable, and to a great degree automated. It’s more of a long-term oriented, ‘I can retire on this’ type of business which is not too common in the SMM space.

I’ve been doing this for about 5 years and love everything thing about it. Read my thread here to get a bit of perspective.

The Model

My business model is simple. It’s selling Instagram (or any other social media platform) likes, comments, views, engagement, growth, and similar services.

But, chances are, everything that you think or know about this niche is probably completely wrong.

For that reason, I’ve prepared a free e-book. Download it below.
SMM Millions.pdf (751.3 KB)

The e-book is free for everyone, with no strings attached. The reason I wrote it, is to give everyone an idea of what this mentorship is about and the business model it entails. And for you to go ahead with the mentorship with a better idea of what you’re getting into.

The Mentorship

Here is what my mentorship will include:


As we begin the ticket, you’ll be provided a blueprint. A highly detailed document covering topics like -

  1. Inner workings of an SMM company, what to expect, and how to approach it
  2. Understanding automation, SMM panels (which you probably already know of), types of panels (provider, reseller), service ID of panels that are used by top SMM sites, and how to build relations with these panels for exclusive pricing and services
  3. Understanding site structures, UI, and checkout flow to maximize conversions and reduce cart abandonment
  4. A look into layering reseller panels with your own controller panel (a technique that most start-ups in SMM fail to realize)
  5. Types of customers that you should focus your energy on (backed by years of data) to scale at the speed of light
  6. An overview of how to layer services to maximize customer retention so that they keep coming back for more
  7. An overview of how to increase customer lifetime value via customer relations (the one thing that most people get wrong, and where the most profit lies)
  8. An overview of how to drive traffic via content marketing, and all the tools that you can use to start generating organic traffic (that converts into buyers)
  9. An overview of marketing (automated) tools that you can use to reach millions of potential customers on the fly (without spending tons on ads)
  10. An overview of setting up a company, merchant account, bank account, handling disputes and refunds within the SMM niche

And a lot more!

In short, you’ll have a blueprint (kind of like a bible) that you can use to start a million-dollar SMM business PROVIDED you can invest the time, energy, and love that any start-up requires . It lists things that you would never find on Google as it comes from someone who is running a million-dollar SMM business and has been doing so for years. Years of experience, learnings, mistakes/pitfalls, and discoveries - are all put into this one blueprint.


As part of the mentorship, you will have access to me via SWAPD inbox for a period of 30 days where I will assist you with any queries related to this business model.


First 3x Tickets: $5,000 + fees (via USDT)

Standard Price: $10,000 + fees (via USDT)

For any questions, please DM and I’ll reply within a max of 24 hours.


:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:


Look like an amazing idea :fire: GLWS


I can vouch for @rockstard112 , solid guy to do business with, and all around one of the friendliest people onsite. Wish you the best with your sales!


Sounds interesting! Good luck :slight_smile:

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Looks amazing, Good luck for the sales
Also I’d like to see your smm websites as I’m already in this business let’s have some exchange :currency_exchange:

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Best in the game @rockstard112


im starting a child panel via the best and cheapeat smm panel ive found on the net

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interesting, how much is needed for the initial investment apart from the mentorship fee ?

How cheap …? Let compare the price for following service

1000 youtube subscriber $3,99
1000 watch hours $2,80

Whats ur price panel ?

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Has anyone invested in this? if so can you share your feedback?


what panel offers such prices?

Guess not?

I have no ideas about other countries but trust me for India (I’m Indian), Pakistan and few more countries smm market is worst nowadays. You’ll find 50-100 new smm panels every day. People using black hat SEO methods to rank them faster. All of the newbies are reducing the prices just to get a single $ sale, so the profits are totally fucked up.

Don’t go ahead untill you already have a regular customer base. I’ve been there till 5 years and left just because there’s no profit these days. People will call you a scammer even for a 0.5$ if there is any problem with any service and order gets stuck.

All I want to say just do a little bit research about your targeted audience and their requirements before investing.

Have a great day :blush:

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I have Data for that. List 20.000 email contacts of people that are interested in growing their IG.


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What’s the name?

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Can anyone vouch for this blueprint yet?


It’s a heavy price tag, do you cover customer acquisition in a lot of detail?

Been waiting for a vouch for months