Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 400,000
Does it include the OG (original) email?: no (read description)
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic/ S4S

Description: I dont have the og email because at the time i bought the page I didn’t know what og email was after i learned abount og email i contacted the seller and he told me that he didn’t have access anymore to the og email… i will give the current email that has been on account for over 1 year now!

This was a hacked page. DWC.

Ur looking for the wrong page man i bought this page over 1 year ago

then you bought it off the hacker. I know for a fact this page was hacked lmfao.

I contacted with the guy who created this page and i still have good contacts with that guy i know for a fact that he is the original owner of this page… once again ur looking for the wrong page man :wink:

I’m not and its hella sus how right when I called it out on being hacked you changed it to being sold and took the name out…

I actually i sold this page earlier today as you can see i deleted the bump comment too but i forgot to put SOLD on the caption…

regardless, @SWAPD I’d keep an eye on this users movements. The page was 100% hacked a year ago, it was all over the comicbook/marvel niche and the hacker started disabling his comments because people were going off about it. This page was 1000% hacked, you can ask reputable people in the niche if you like such as @MarvelTrueFacts considering he was one of the people that put on his story that it was hacked also.


Ur welcome to keep an eye on me man :slightly_smiling_face:
Take care and have a great day

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Its quite unfortunate, what some clowns do to make money. A person’s sweat all gone

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