SWAPD 2024 - Changes in payments, fees, invoices, and more!

Beginning in January 2024, we’re excited to introduce several important changes. This topic will serve as a central hub to track these updates and address any questions you might have. We’ll be updating the following list frequently over the next few weeks, so we recommend checking back often to stay informed about the exciting changes that are on the way for everyone.

SWAPD 2024 Changelog - Finances

  • We’re abandoning BTC/ETH. Why? Because they’re cumbersome for bookkeeping, they’re slow when sending/receiving (some payments take hours to confirm) and they are volatile (change value all the time).
  • For crypto, SWAPD will only accept USDT+USDC. We will accept both stablecoins in the ERC20 and TRC20 format.
  • We are introducing credit card payments. This is still being worked out; there will be more updates soon.
  • Bank wire transactions will have a 10K USD limit. This is for all members. In addition, long-term services (over three months) will be forced to use crypto as payment.
  • Invoices will be only available (upon request) upon the point of sale. As per our governing law, we’re no longer required to issue invoices on past/closed transactions.
  • We’re switching to an LLC. SKYNET will cease to exist, and we will operate under a new company with a board of directors. This way, if the website owner (for any reason) vanishes from the face of the earth, your deposits will still be safe.
  • To comply with global sanctions/KYC/AML, we’re ceasing FIAT payments to/from these countries. If you’re from those areas of the world, your only option may be crypto.
  • Invoices for crypto transactions. You will now be able to ask for crypto invoices (for SWAPD fee only).

SWAPD 2024 - Daily Operations

  • Safety Concern members will be able to use crypto as sellers. Since we’re forced to stop conducting wire payments to many countries, we have no other choice. We will continue to warn the buyers of potential risks in each transaction. This policy actually comes into effect on December 1st, as during that month we’re disabling bank wires for 30 days.
  • We’re introducing artificial intelligence to SWAPD. Soon, members will be able to get help quickly, without waiting for a staff member. This change is aimed at new members, and hopefully, it will teach more people how to use SWAPD efficiently. Checkout tickets and deeper problems will still receive human assistance. Do not worry, the AI bot has been specifically trained to know SWAPD and SWAPD only. It relies on the information written by all of our agents, so asking AI is like asking a human staff member.
  • We will raise awareness and stop direct admin tagging. We want to prevent users from individually tagging particular admins and make everyone switch to the @Administrators tag. Why? Because if you tag a single admin, only he gets the alert. And many times, that staff member may not be online. If you use @Administrators, the entire staff gets alerted, and you will get a response quicker.

2024 - Fun Stuff!

  • We’re introducing a Platinum Multi-Millionaire award. Just like our Diamond Club and MC Awards, multi-millionaire members will now receive a Platinum Version of our MC award. With every consecutive million earned, members will receive a new Platinum Award every time!

More info coming soon…




Sounds amazing, I am looking forward to these changes :slight_smile:

Let’s go! :rocket:

2024 President
robert de niro smoke GIF

Cool ! :grin::grin::grin:

Just “WOW” :heart_eyes:

Good to see SWAPD going to higher heights.



If you guys need any assistance in the US to expand the company just let me know!


That’s great. :smiley:

Cool :sunglasses:

Cool and necessary updates.

Nice updates

Good, can’t wait anymore, I am noob with crypto…

Introduction of credit cards is a seriously great move.

Y’all didn’t see the credit card fees yet for high-risk websites :joy:
Along with actual payout wait times. Everyone’s enthusiasm will die really quick.


Niceee :otter:

Amazing updates! Thanks for the hard work and being a visionary.

For the last point tagging administrators, I’m presuming this is primarily for non-related ticket issues as we’re meant to address the respective staff member(s) assigned to that ticket solely—right?