SWAPD fights back against scammers to help victims recover their social properties. Here are our stories!

Good work guys, the community appreciates it!

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Just read through this whole thread. I really appreciate all the hard work and time the Swapd staff has put into recovering these hacked accounts. As a potential buyer I feel a lot better about purchasing through the site.


I once had a guy try to steal my page and I knew it so I asked for “reassurance”

He gave me business admin rights to a page and said I would not be able to remove him… which I could and I did. I found the original owner and gave it back to them.

I then asked for $100 via friends n family PayPal for assurance that he would not scam me. He sent $100 via friends and family. I scammed the scammer.

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Oh I like you! :smiley:

Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do

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Yet again, our team is happy to say that thanks to the excellent work of @Batman, we were able to recover this account for the original owner (we will hand over the account later on today)

The scammer (Profile - Mediasocial - SWAPD) signed up and tried to sell a hacked property, as described in our blackbook post.

I would go into details, but it would be the same boring story. But, the gist of things looked like this:

  1. User signs up.
  2. User posts an IG for sale.
  3. Buyer is interested, starts a checkout ticket.
  4. Buyer notices hacked reports, lets admin know.
  5. Admin first refuses as he was tired (:P) then went to bed, stating that we will do this tomorrow.
  6. Admin wakes up, interviews the seller (after securing the account).
  7. The seller admits to covering tracks, but somehow tried to whitewash himself. @Batman confirmed everything with the original owner.
  8. Seller proceeds to verbally abuse us and tells us SWAPD didn’t make a good first impression on him.
  9. Seller proceeds to make scam reports all over the web and call the police on us for “blackmailing” him.
  10. Seller proceeds to call me a “Polish ■■■■ slave”
  11. We ban the seller.

We will release the transcript of the ticket if we need to defend ourselves in the public. The sellers’ stories didn’t add up, we caught him lying every other message, and finally, with his back against the wall, he started abusing us. A big thanks to @Batman and his investigative work!

The seller is from Kosovo, once I get a report ready I will report him here: http://www.kosovopolice.com/en/report-cybercrime

The account will be handed over to the original owner shortly.

How did the hacker (sorry, scammer) gain access?

It seems the owners’ email account was compromised.

That is all. Hackers beware! SWAPD isn’t a place for you.


We should make a special badge for ChrisD only, any ideas what should we call it?

Investigation Team :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

Haha you can’t make that a public badge though, I’ll never be able to catch them then.

lol. I know :sunglasses::joy::rofl:


That’s true. It would be unsettling for scammers to start checkout tickets with someone who has “I helped recover 100 stolen accounts” badge :smiley:

You will just have to be a silent hero, waiting to save accounts in the dark! :smiley:

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i could just change my name to Batman…



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Feeling super bad man. The user took back the account, never looked back. Not even a thanks. I appreciate @Batman and his hard work, but I am officially questioning helping others from now on.


This isn’t an isolated case too. Most people don’t give a F, will be hostile towards you, and never look back. I guess this is due of them not trusting anyone anymore. But still. It feels crappy.


Finally got a late thank you, but only after I pointed out the lack of appreciativeness :smiley: Still, better than nothing.

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Nevertheless. Not a good reaction from the owner for what you´ve been doing!

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The victim came through and posted a nice story about us <3 <3 <3


That’s amazing! good job

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