The best username to ever touch SWAPD

Username ?

Buy this before itā€™s gone :slight_smile:

Why donā€™t you contact a royal from the Middle East? Thereā€™s hundreds of them on Instagram. A lot have 2 character names and a lot have longer but want shorter. Theyā€™d kill for this.


I am not going to lie and say I can buy it but im very curious, can you send me an username of the account?

Sick handle :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::key:

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Updated the BIN price, current offer is $155k.

If it is fine with you would like to know which letter it is

Still selling!

my name starts with this :dizzy_face: nice one

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I wonā€™t buy it but Iā€™m so curious about the nameā€¦Can you send

Send me a DM with the username.

I thought your name is MrSixDigits

Yea but to drop 200k an instagram handle you need a few oil wells :joy:


He went from 100k bin to 150k best offer :joy: I think he waiting for 7 figures to be MrSevenDigits

Nice handle glws

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Im even afraid to ask whats the letter

This is why you donā€™t negotiate on truly one of a kind things that have value. Somebody couldā€™ve BIN for 100k instead of giving a 70k offer. Now theyā€™re gonna pay at least double.


$220k is highest offer, someone beat it. This handle is one of only about 10 1 letters on Instagram, and is worth every penny.


out of my price range but super interested to see what it is if you donā€™t mind sharing!

Still got it :slight_smile: