Tiktok Beta USA 111k followers, balance more than $300

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of fans/followers: 111K
Topic/Niche: Idol
Promotion methods used?: ORGANIC GROWTH

FEATURES: TikTok Creativity Program BETA, LIVE STUDIO, Videos Gift, TIPS Available.

IMPORTANT: There are $316 Available in Balance of Creativity Program BETA Dashboard, can be withdraw any moment.
Feel free to PM us if you have any question when checking on our TikTok account on SWAPD.

Registered and first logged in from USA via iPhone.

Original Email, Username, and other information is ready to change.

Here are some images of the account demography, viewership:
Account information
Image breakdown by country

Good luck with sales!

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If you need any information, please text me

Can you DM link

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Can you relink a new payout info ?

What payment information do you need?

to add new payout informnation

I don’t understand, can you send me a private message to discuss?

:slight_smile: Good luck everyone

The auction has ended! :tada:

  • 4 users participated in this auction.
  • 5 bids placed.
  • @zacchyrus95 is the winner, congratulations!
  • Final bid: 550 USD

We would like to thank you for participating! The winner will receive a checkout notification shortly and we will begin the transaction. Beep beep!

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