TIKTOK VARIOUS SERVICES ★ Verifications | Username Claims/Changes | Unbans/Unlocks | Bypasses ★

Hi Buddies! :wave: Everyone once started, and now it’s my turn! :grin:
I’m glad to offer you my TikTok services :arrow_down:

•TikTok Account Verification Service Price: $800 - $1200 + fees
(some necessary information required to submit the request)
•TikTok Username Claims Price: starts from $800 + fees
(depends on the username, generic/non-generic)
•Verified TikTok Username and Name Change Price: $200 + fees
•TikTok Unbans/Unlocks Price: starts from $800 + fees
(depends on ban/lock reason)
•TikTok different bypasses Price: starts from $200 + fees
(2fa bypasses/removal services/username changes etc.)

Additional notes:
TAT depends on the type of service, but don’t be afraid. I will keep you informed about the whole service process.
•Some of the services require additional information, which we will discuss before the order.
•The prices of the services are negotiable and depend on various factors. Don’t hesitate to message me. I’m sure we’ll get along!
You don’t risk anything in case the order fails (which rarely can happen). I take the money after the order is completed.

Preferred payment type: Crypto via Swapd Ticket


Do you require account access to perform your services?

I need more advice on tiktok green check verification service, the tiktok channel doesn’t yet tell you how much does it cost to verify your green check?


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i sended you a dm

pm sent!

Any closed tickets?

Could you claim @jellybean or @jellybeans on TikTok? If so let me know the price!!