Top 8 SWAPD Sellers of 2024

We usually roll out a top 10 list, but this year, users number 9 and 10 prefer to keep their identities under wraps (noobs). Here’s a rundown of the eight who’ve made waves in the SWAPD marketplace in 2024, based on our sales report:

  • #1 - @Goofy - Though he’s gone off the radar, @Goofy racked up an astonishing $1,185,628 USD in profits through various SM services. Talk about leaving a legacy!

  • #2 - @Hooper - With $648,409 in earnings, @Hooper is the jack-of-all-trades from claims to PR. This guy does it all, and does it well.

  • #3 - @porcupine - Pulling in $629,153 USD, @porcupine has turned his profile into a showcase of services that clearly resonate with the SWAPD community. Check out what he offers!

  • #4 - @Abstract - With sales amounting to $442,809 USD, @Abstract proves that professionalism and delivery are the keys to success. This guy knows his business inside out.

  • #5 - @Lunar - Even with a “measly” $442,809 USD this year, @Lunar remains the all-time #1 seller on SWAPD, on track to hit the 3,000,000 USD mark. Hats off to you, Lunar, for your consistent dominance!

  • #6 - @Ryan - Specializing in reputation management, @Ryan has made $367,672 cleaning up online images. If you need your digital footprint polished, @Ryan is your guy.

  • #7 - @Profsell - With $321,132 USD in profits, @Profsell is showing no signs of slowing down. His momentum on SWAPD is something to watch.

  • #8 - @mae - A newcomer who’s made an impressive $293,283 USD in sales in just the last couple of months. @mae is the epitome of what determination and hard work can achieve on SWAPD.

Together, these eight sellers have generated nearly five million USD in sales in less than a year, and we’re not even done yet. Many of them have 10-20 live transactions open, with each deal often reaching into the four or five-digit range.

Congratulations to these leaders of the pack, and to everyone else, here’s your wake-up call: What’s holding you back? This could be you if you just put in a little effort. The opportunities at SWAPD are real, and the proof is in the profits.




Congrats to all of you guys :partying_face:

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Let’s go !

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Congrats to everyone, Hope to be on list next year :cold_face:

Where’s the recognition for buyers who make it possible? @SWAPD

Yessiirrr, started off slow at the start of the year but we’re smashing it now :muscle:

Looking forward to 2025 for sure. Thanks to everyone who’s dealt with me so far.


We are waiting for @Ryan to bump you down from the #10 spot before we make the buyers article.


where is me ? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Public wants to know how much @Swapd earned :relieved::wink:
@SWAPD can top by selling this website for $2M :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t ban me bro😒

The public:

we need a swapd wrapped like spotify does


Where is my name


:joy: :joy:

What’s that?

Not on the list? You’re slacking.

Congratulations guys :tada::clap:t2:

Btw where is my name?

Nvm ur too old