Twitter is purging inactive accounts - usernames will become available!

Any information on the definition of inactive? 1 year, 2 years?

if I manage to catch @ swapd I will sell it for 1 million dollarinos


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This is the only one to use

Yeah, I bet the owners of won’t cherry-pick the best ones for themselves :smiley:


It checks for the username once a week lol.

No it checks every hour you have to pay for each username $10

I bet they will probably isint great for ultra rare usernames But if you want to get like your full first and last name or your business or other people’s Buisness names to resell to them that’s not a popular name I could see it working

It’s not even worth trying it manually. Bot + VPS are the way to go.

Anyone grab anything yet? :smiley:

I don’t think it started yet, all the @s I’m eyeing are still the same

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It’s going bit by bit, not happening all at once.