Twitter Username Claims/Swaps | 100% Guaranteed Success

Twitter Username Claims/Swaps For Unverified/Verified Accounts

We can claim almost ANY username on Twitter, even generic.

Username Swap is also available. Does not matter if an account is verified or not.
(You will NOT lose the badge)

We do not need access to your account.

There are requirements for generic usernames.

We will NOT claim usernames on FRESH accounts with no tweets, profile, bio.

Username Claim Price: $2,500-$15,000


When inquiring about a username, send us these details otherwise there is a high chance we will ignore you.

Desired Username:
Current Username (placeholder):


Is this still available?

Still available?


Can you claim a suspended username?

Sent you PM, have no received response

Pms please

Still offering this service bro??

turnaround time?

hello still offering username claim?

Still offering ?

Still offering? Please PM

Still going strong!

Pushing verifications through easily as well!

Check pm @killua

@killua check pm pls

Are you doing verifications ?

Still available ? Have some cases

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