Twitter Verification Service (Verification via Media Portal) (Guaranteed) | Legal and Fast (100% Success Rate)

Twitter Verification Service

Hello everyone! :ghost:

I am currently in contact with the Twitter Team through the media portal :rocket:

In order to offer you an economical and advantageous service, I met this platform and decided to sell it. I can verify your Twitter profiles through the media portal.

Get a badge within hours! :star2:

Requirements for you to be verified

  • At least 7 - 10 Press articles
  • You must have +1.5k Followers


I can verify NFT Accounts too!

Verification for each account! (Any niche, Any category). :white_check_mark:

What will I do?

I will create a case for you to be verified by sending all your PR work to the twitter team.

When sending a message :email:

  1. Submit all your PR work in one file.
  2. Submit your Twitter account.

Price : Starting from $7500 + Fee :money_with_wings:

Guaranteed Twitter Verification (PR + Submission)

If you don’t have any press for your name or business, this service is for you! I will lead the whole process. 100% money back if I fail!

Individual Starting from $10.000 + Fee :money_with_wings:
Business Starting from $12.000 + Fee :money_with_wings:

If you want a professional and safe service, DM me! :briefcase:

TAT: Usually 10 days! ( It can take up to 2 weeks. ) :timer_clock:

Payment Options: USDT


This service is active again! :zap:

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Great service, GLWS!




Do you need access to the profile you’re verifying?


An off-site transaction has been successfully completed :rocket: :rocket:

PM sent

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All PMs answered :rocket: :rocket: looking for new jobs :see_no_evil:

Sent you DM, pls check @starbucks

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Interested :+1:

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PMed @BnB

Can you do unban requests?

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An offsite transaction has been successfully completed. I’m looking for new requests :boom: :rocket:

Dm me details the price range is large

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Thats a big price difference, what does it depend on? Whats the price for a personal account?

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