[Updated] Top USA - 300K Pets/Animal page - making 400$ a month

222K and keeps growing!

Made 65$ Just today
224k followers now
Reels are not activated yet and the page still grows 15-25k followers a month.

As soon as it gets activated, the page will be a goldmine (+ 5-25k followers a month)

Made another 50$ :slight_smile:

Price drop!

Send handle and asking price please


*me waiting for someone to buy the page be like image

1 Like

I’m want this page for Christmas :slight_smile: Awesome account!

Made just 500$ from promotions only, this month from the page, got proof :slight_smile:

274k followers now


Here are the stats from 4 day old post

handle and last offer please

Just hit 300K followers
Here’s the post from 3 days ago.