Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of followers: 180,000
Topic/Niche: US Politics - Conservative
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Includes current email which has been on for 1 year
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic
Description: This page belonged to a political PAC in the United States that deals with conservative political issues. The page has many prominent followers in the conservative space and would be a valuable asset to anyone who knows how to work with that audience. We have done ads on there that have generated quite a bit of revenue in the past.
Now that Twitter is able to be monetized, and that is where the majority of my network is, I don’t have much interest in keeping up this page.This is a great opportunity for anyone to build upon a conservative brand. I’ve never been much of an Instagram expert so this page never fully realized its full potential.
I can be a bit flexible on the price but no low ball offers please. These conservative pages go for big money because of the prices people pay for shoutouts in the space which can be 800-1400 per post.
Audience is 50/50 male and female which is super rare for a conservative page. 93% US audience.