Verified Facebook page for sale - Premium Page

Country of followers (majority): UK, US
Amount of fans/followers: 47184
Topic/Niche: Comedy / memes - Cerified Page
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organis and s4s

Description: Premium comedy page for sale- verified. Majority of followers are from UK and US

All offers will be considered - rough price range 5 to 8k

This is the page I was speaking of.

url and acceptig price please

Url pls

Please send me url

Please provide url

Are you still selling this? I’m interested in buying

Hey URL please

If you’re still selling it please send over the URL

could u send ur url

URL plz?

URL please? Thank you

URL please?

URL please !

sent to u

url please

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