Verified Instagram Account for Sale

Country of followers (majority): Australia
Amount of followers: 9.5k
Topic/Niche: Sports (Cycling)
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Celebrity Username


No Posts made on the account, I set up the account 6 years ago and it was automatically verified. Been sitting on the account for a while but needs funds so looking to sell it. Never been sold before, I am the only owner.

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Please update the listing with a screen grab of the countries breakdown. Thank you

Interested, please can you DM me your username and also country stats. Thanks

DM handle

Dm handle and highest offer pls

very interested. please inbox me

Can you send me the handle and the current price?

I have replied to all yours messages, send me an offer if you are a serious buyer.

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Current best offer?


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Whats your best offer?

PM me the handle.

Please may you PM me the username and the current offer, thanks!

pm price

handle and price :slight_smile: thx

250 USD

What’s the best price now?

Current best offer?

handle please…
