Verified TikTok / Username

Recently bought a verified tiktok and had the username changed but it was permanently banned after.

So I am back looking for the same thing, but my budget is lower. If you want to help me out, here’s what i’m working with.

$800 Budget

NEED: Verified tiktok
Desired username / Nickname

I would like to add that this is for a client, and due to the prior account being suspended I’m picking up the pieces. If someone can hook me up, I will definitely be coming back your way soon with more client work. Thank you.


If you don’t find anyone else, I’ve 2 veris, both have OGI, I can deliver with custom info


I would recommend you to increase budget so you can make sure that you’re buying a safe page and avoid the same problem again.

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I can do 1k


readymade verified Tiktok account
available on your desire name :ribbon:



pm me let discuss