WE HAVE OUR WINNERS! - We will now pay you to use SWAPD! Introducing SWAPD Gamification - Get paid for being active!

I seriously think, They should either hide points in the last 3-4 days or stop people from inviting.

So that no one abuses the system/game in the last day, and it’s all fun for everyone.


If I win this money I am buying

  1. Verified tiktok + username change.
  2. Meta Verified
  3. TikTok Page
  4. TikTok Unban

All these cost around $5k-$6k but with $2k being covered I’m good to go.

Looks like this thread will continue forever, we know why… :laughing:


The current system is good.

But, I think there should be like 10 points or extra points for “successful tickets” for both sellers & buyers.

And points for new genuine Feedback too.

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And, Ik and remember, when @swapd said “your little request costs us $$$$ in the backend.”
But, this can be done manually too.

The mod handling the ticket when he/she marks the ticket successfully and closes it. They can add points if the system allows them.

In any case, just a suggestion and the current system is by all means feels fun.

But, this will encourage new guys to join and earn points by genuine activity and achievements + the existing ones will be motivated to do more business on Swapd.

No one ever thought this much when swapd was making meme contests for the same amouny of money. Trust me doing referrals is not f*cking easy.

If I showed you the amount of DMs I have sent and No’s I’ve gotten trying to invite IG Owners with Huge Networks you’d be like wow.

Everyone is afraid to click on the referral link thinking it’s phishing. Same goes with asking their email to send an invite, sounds fishy to almost 99% of people.

Just because you and I trust swapd doesn’t mean it’s easy for others to do so.


You are right, inviting people is a rough/tasteless game


What did I say anything about Invites or not getting points for Inviting people?

Inviting is hard, sure. That’s why it has the most point currently and it should have.

And, are you writing all this to imply that, all the invites that people did are all genuine and Swapd should not investigate all the invites in the end of the month?

Inviting people is hard, I agree but the ones you tell already sign up without your code/referral link. Happened to me on numerous occasions. Yet you don’t see me boasting about it. Same happened with many users like, @Hussey

If we tell them about the referral, they sense a pyramid scheme or feel something fishy, and on that, I agree with you.

So the ones people invite are usually their own offline friends or family, who are just gonna browse or make a listing about a property.

I’m suggesting other things to GET points and if they can easily add them with the current activity intact not removing (invites or anything ) them.

True, I sent an invite link and an explanation in Domain investors groups and only 1 signed up. People asked if it’s legit and found it hard to navigate through the site. It’s not easy at all

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Omg same !! I sent invitations to like 30 clients that I deal with on telegram and only 2 signed up :smiling_face_with_tear:


You guys are doing it wrong. Send our friendly URL to people that leads to an interesting topic. Or strike a convo with potential lead and send a friendly URL to something relevant. Friendly invite URLs don’t look like ref links


I wasn’t talking to you at all @Rayman . Lmao

I wish he does lol I’ve spent hours helping users create their first topics and navigate through the site even after sign up.

I don’t want other poor quality (or fake) invites match mine after lots of hours put into it.

did yiu guys fixed that
will points be credit if we do on that way

@iconovi invites:

Yaou have some problem, go work something
How much worth of tickets have you open right now huhh
do something smart

instead of being cocky dude

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HQ @iconovi invite.

Sorry irisognjen is taken, would you like to get irisognjen1703?


@Comfy Invite

Noob invites noobs…

You mean this user? My “worse” user according to you beats all of yours. :wink: