We please beg you, don't use "HELL ACTIVE" in topic titles

I’ve just deleted 10-15 of these in the past two days from the front page. Not only it’s not grammatically correct, but it also doesn’t make sense. On top of that, Google will classify our website in the satanic category if their bots pick up so many devil-related keywords.

HELL ACTIVE doesn’t make sense, don’t use it, please. We will delete it every time from now on.

Thank you.


And if anyone thinks I am exaggerating: Search results for 'hell active' - SWAPD
Who coined this phrase? What are they’re trying to say? Helluva? As in A hell of an active page?

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So you’re saying I could find SwapD on the Dark web?

yep or underground!

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So should I edit this “Hell Active” post you made about “Hell Active” phrase and delete all “Hell Active” words you’ve included in this “Hell Active” conversation???


OMG I’ve been thinking this since the first time I saw ‘Hell Active’ on a terrible FB account listing a long time ago :smiley:

Perhaps, to satisfy those who can’t live without a ‘Hell Active’ in their listing, you could make a ‘Hell Active’ tag, so that as soon as we see one of those on a listing, we know that’s a listing to avoid like hell :joy:


I swear, it’s so annoying.


At first I was going to say “you have no power here”, but then I checked your trust level. Damn it! But OK, if you see hell active, edit it to hell.

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This is what I imagine “hell active” depicts:


Lmao, we’re page one for the exact phrase “hell active”: https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=GGCjXIqfGMjKrgSsoKvQAw&q="hell+active"


Great SEO tactics


It comes from the Indian ‘desi’ page admins. Since my journey in pages from 2011, I have been into local Indian pages for a few months and since then I have been seeing this term. They use that all the time and I cringe everytime lol

I am in many Indian page admin communities even now and this comes with every page on sale that has some engagement.

Guess some big admins coined it and others followed suit.

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Won’t be surprised if this post also comes on top in Google for hell active facebook pages. I mean if people are searching that, doesn’t hurt to market.

as soon as i see “Hell Active” in a topic name i immediately think “wow not only is this person illiterate, but their account is probably not active at all” and 99% of the time I’m right about it


“Hell Active” sounds cringy ngl

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The amount of times that HELL ACTIVE has been mentioned in this thread. Rip google bots