We're doing heavy back-end restructuring, expect disruptions in the upcoming days

To comply with Apple’s Inc wishes, we had to clean up the site a bit. Some of the categories will need to be cleaned up topic by topic. We apologize for the inconvenience.


Which categories?:smiley:


All sales categories.

I see both of my posts have been removed, what should i do next?

If your topic has been removed, it has to stay that way. Sorry.

So that means selling subreddits is against the rules from now on?

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What happend

That depends. We’re reviewing things on our end to make sure all listings comply. We please ask for your patience. We have many topics to review.

I can see all my listings, but other people can’t. Should I relist?

No. You cannot do that.

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I hope this is only a temporary setback. I was surprised when I logged in and saw the entire categories section changed. Thinking out loud here. If the iOS app isn’t compliant with Apple TOS, would the SWAPD website remain as-is? Since Apple doesn’t have an authority over the site. Just my 2 cents. I’m curious to hear your thoughts.

Services have been restored. This was the reason why we were trying to clean up the site:


So with this being said i can recreate my posts?

Yes. As long as they abide by SWAPD rules.