Why you should only pay one person for shadowban removal on IG

From my experience between almost 20 providers and on hundreds of accounts I have not found anyone who’s “rep” can actually fix any shadowban/feature access lost on Instagram. I have seen countless people claim it is a rep, get login access to the IG and then just archive any flagged posts on the IG and status get instantly fixed.

For anyone who doesn’t know, 99/100 you can login to Instagram → go to settings → account status → what can’t be recommended and just archive any/all flagged posts.

I would not pay anyone for a shadowban or account status page fix unless they can do it without logins/you deleting posts. If they are saying they need logins or need you to delete posts you are literally doing the service


With this being said the only person who actually has done it numerous times for me is @abstract

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Need help with a Shadowban removal?Click below :point_down:t3:

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Everyone else seems to be retards and kids just getting free licks


What’s up with this recently, everyone is getting shadow banned enormously

@Forest - What account have we worked on together?

*crickets *

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nice info!

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bumping this


You’re 100% right… as I’ve had 2 clients who are Shadow Banned, and despite the numerous topics on-site for Shadow Ban Removal, up until today still haven’t had a seller on here succeed in fixing the account.

What Can’t Be Recommended is NOT a ShadowBan. When your account is actually Shadow Banned, you won’t be notified about it, hence why it’s labeled a Shadow Ban. The Account Status of the account will continue to show all green dots, but all reach will have ceased from the account. The account won’t be able to be found in search, unless every letter of the username is typed. None of the users posts will show up under any hashtag. This is a true Shadow Ban, and as the OP said… no one can fix these currently. Rep or no Rep, it’s not getting corrected. Whatever changes Meta has made to their Shadow Ban policy, has left accounts that are like this to remain like this, until they get corrected on their own… if that ever happens. I’ve had accounts like this get fixed on their own in the past, but it took a long time… 6+ months.

If you have an orange dot under What Can’t Be Recommended… you can fix this YOURSELF. You don’t need to pay someone to fix it. I’ve had this on multiple of my clients accounts, and I was able to correct the problem myself each and everytime.

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I can fix this. I just had resistance given the nature of your account Under 18+ etc.

Of course, you can, but you will need to either A - change your post caption, hashtag, or archive the post, or B - completely remove the post. You cannot personally remove the strikes associated with those flagged pieces of content, which is the service I provide. I don’t require you to remove any content; instead, with my service, I remove the strikes associated with it, which in turn, lowers your overall page risk and reinstates your eligibility to be recommended.

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GLWS! :sparkling_heart: :raised_hands:

When you need it done right, I’m your only option. :trophy: