Will the USD collapse?

We cannot buy things with Crypto in real life. It works only digitally.


You can’t? Binance Crypto Card | Binance

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Sure you can. P2P transactions can happen.

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Thinking practically,

I’m trying to say, for example you go outside of your house now. Who will accept the crypto as payment method?


I don’t have many examples, but I would find a few if things got tough (fiat collapse).

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Binance Card enables real-time conversion of cryptocurrency to EUR currency when you make your transaction. EUR can also be spent directly from your Funding Wallet.


I know everything about crypto and P2P.

But in real world there are people who doesn’t know crypto. Right?

Everyone has to make their crypto to cash of their country currency.

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Wherever you can pay with a debit card, you can pay with a Binance card. Not sure where you live, but even homeless beggers have card machines these days :wink:

@coehn you live in Netherlands right, you don’t need your country currency? You can only live with Crypto? I’m just saying that.

You don’t get the point of crypto cards. Your Binance card converts your crypto to EURO whenever you pay with the card. So the seller gets EURO, not crypto.

It’s a big concern both short and long-term. I’m personally transitioning a majority of cash to income-producing real estate on 30-year notes. It’s by far the safest vehicle.


I’m just saying that in this world, wherever you live. You need your country currency to buy something in real life. (Not talking about digital life.)

Yes, our business is in digital so we can accept crypto. But everyone will not accept crypto until it’s globally accepted.

Lmao. Are you even reading?

It works like this:
You have crypto balance on your card → you buy an apple from supermarket → supermarket accepts debit cards → you use crypto card → Binance converts your crypto to local currency → Supermarket receives local currency


Nothing man, leave it. :joy:

But I believe USD will never fail.

USDT and USDC can fail but United States Dollars will never ever.

I know this brother.

That’s naive


It’s just by my experience.

I’m doing same what you’re explaining. @coehn