pm link and final price

Did he agree to it?

Because I offered $1050 too.
Or else I offered him a 57,000 twitter account with $200-400 for exchange with this.

He hasn’t revert back yet.
He said someone offered him $1200 in initial conversation which wasn’t clearly true because the channel isn’t monetized. So in order to get monetized whoever buys this channel will have to upload all new videos from scratch and make that 4000hours watch time before they apply for monetization again, since his videos won’t be accepted by YouTube. I was aware of this and still offered him that.

Whoever is looking to buy this channel including me, let’s validate it right and let us know what did you counter offer him. I would like to buy this channel @foxstriker
Do revert back to us all since you are online too.

Looking forward to it

I have sold this channel to another buyer for the amount I told you … I am waiting for the transfer.

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unlisting as currently in the process of being sold.

The staff and me are waiting the transfer of the buyer.