YouTube monetised channel 383K subscribers. Gaming and good engagement

Amount of subscribers: 383000
Country of subscribers (majority): algeria
Topic/Niche: Games
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation):

Embark on your YouTube journey with this thriving gaming channel! Boasting 383K subscribers, this channel has garnered an impressive 14.6 million views, with 187K views in the last 28 days. The audience engagement is evident, accumulating 714K watch hours and an incredible 100 million impressions.

Concerned about copyright issues? Fret not! This channel is fully monetized and comes with a clean slate – no strikes or copyrights to hinder your takeover. Dive into a vibrant and genuine audience, making it an ideal platform for gaming content creators.

The potential for growth is immense, and this channel offers a prime opportunity for anyone looking to tap into the gaming niche. Seize the moment and acquire a channel with a substantial subscriber base and active engagement metrics!

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