YouTube Service | Verification | Username Claims | Recovery

Service type: Verification, Username claim, recovery
Price: depends on case

Description: Hello video creators. I want ot present you my YouTube service.:movie_camera:

Verification: Do you want to be verified user of YouTube? I can make it happen for you. :white_check_mark:

100k+ sub channel

Price: 400$

New channel with verification

Price: 1120$

Username claim: Yours desired username is allready taken? There is no problem to claim it for you :slight_smile:

Price: 1000$ + (depends on case)

Can do generic :gem:

Recovery: If you had any type of ban on your account i can also help you with this issue. Pricing depends on case.

Im here to serve.

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I need this service can you help me to claim?

what do you want to claim?