You've asked, we have delivered. New tiny but useful feature!

Or maybe modifying the feature a bit and instead of having exact time in hours, there could be 3 badges:

  1. :zap:@username usually responds within 12 hours.”
  2. :hourglass_flowing_sand:@username usually responds within 24 hours.”
  3. :turtle:@username usually takes more than 24 hours to respond. It might take a while to get a response.”

It basically merges all users who have response time from one minute to 12 hours into the first (best) group, which ensures that users get enough time to respond (12 hours seems appropriate as average sleep time is 8-9h). This will benefit users who dedicate a lot of their time to SWAPD.

Second and third group will work the same (from 12 hours to 24 hours for 2. group and 24+ hours for 3. group.)

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Let’s see my

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Shows as sleeper

1 Hour and It should be less, but that’s not bad :sunglasses:

My response time will be delayed. Be back later



That’s exactly what it counts, responses to NEW PMs ONLY.

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In that case, I think it’s a pretty good system and gives valid and relevant data to new buyers reaching out to sellers. It also gives a little push to sellers to respond to buyers.

Just one question, does this new private message data reset? I ask because let’s say my response time is 2 hours in the last 7 days but what happens if I get no new PMs after that, what will happen when the time comes to reset the response times, which data will it count (if any)?

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Nice :smiling_imp:

It updates every 24h.


It’s so over for me how do i resign @Teal @GOAT


9h :grin::neutral_face:

within 11 days!!! @Thanos….

Who do i need to pay to lower that number