Zyzz's TikTok Shop! Zyzz’s ✓ Verification ✓ Unbans ✓ Username Claims ✓ Fast TAT ✓ High Success Rate! ✓

Hello everyone! :sparkles:

I have direct contact with a few different TikTok representatives and have decided to offer these great services via SWAPD with a relatively high success rate! :star:

I can do any region! :rocket:

These are the list of services that I offer for TikTok! -


Price: $1000 - $1500 (plus additional swapd fees)

TAT: 1-7 Days :hourglass_flowing_sand:

4-6 Editorial & Authentic Press :newspaper:

Linked Verified Social Media/s (not required but greatly improves your case) :white_check_mark:
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TikTok Username Claims:

Claim your desired username within days!

Price: starting at $1200 - $2000 (plus additional swapd fees) (price varies depending on the desired username claim & the strength of case)
TAT: 1-7 Days :hourglass_flowing_sand:


If you are interested, provide us with the username and a screenshot of the ban reason via DM! (for unlocks, message us directly so we can sort out and review the case!)

Unban Price: starting at $1000 (plus additional swapd fees) (price varies depending on ban reason)
Unlock Price: $800 - $1000 (plus additional swapd fees)
TAT: 1-7 Days :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Verified Username / Name Changes:

With this service, you’ll be able to change your username or name without losing your blue verified badge!

Price: $300 Flat (plus additional swapd fees)
TAT: 1-7 Days :hourglass_flowing_sand:
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Payment Options: Bank Wire :bank: (crypto payment option coming soon!)


Further information may be required for the various services listed above such as but not limited to, sign-up date (month & year), bound email address and phone number, etc. But, I will only solicit this information once my team and I review your case and deem it eligible to go through with the requested service!

If your desired service that is TikTok related isn’t listed above, then just message me and I’ll see if my team and I can do it for ya :smile:

Also, if you are curious as to why I have the safety concern badge on swapd, it is because the ID verified on my account is under the age of 21! (if you are still concerned, you can message @swapd for confirmation!) :v:

If you want a professional and secure service or want to know more information, PM me! :smile:

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