1.1 Million Subs Monetized Channel for Sale ($5600)

Amount of subscribers: 1100000
Country of subscribers (majority): India
Topic/Niche: Kids currently. Don’t know about the past.
Promotion methods used? (Organic/Paid/Engagement Networks/Software/Automation): Organic


1- Channel has got one Million plus Subs and is monetized. 95% views came from Suggested Videos
so highly Organic.
2- Old videos were deleted 2 months ago and the Channel was changed to Kids Niche. I don’t know what Niche it was before.
3- Rebrandable as Custom URL available.
4- BTC as payment. Otherwise Transferwise.
5- All history screenshots uploaded.


Play button aviable

Playbutton avaible? Current Videos on that account? PM Username pls :slight_smile:

Username please.

pm url

What is the last price for this channel?

I am interested for this


Link please, play button claimed?

Link and final price if still available… is it still monetized?


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