1.1M Fashion Tiktok w/ 53% USA / 90% Womens

Country of followers (majority): USA 53%
Amount of fans/followers: 1,077,000
Topic/Niche: Fashion
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): For you page

Account has been rebranded for my dropshipping store.
Old videos have been private ( for rebranding purpose )

Handle please

Can we see the stats from the past 30 days? I want to mark this premium but it seems things are dropping.

1 Like

These are the past 28 days stats


$2500. I’ll start the ticket now.

1 Like

Can you mark it premium?

Sorry, 3200$ are my final price

Not replying anymore.

super interested pm handle

Highly interestec

Pm me please


Is it easy to swap or change handles for account like this? I don’t think it’s an issue but wanted to confirm since you are all experts.

Pm me ready to purchase now!

Seller is gone.

pm handle?

Pm handle please

Pm me handle ready to purchase


username, bro