1.1M Verified TikTok account for sale 10k

Country of followers (majority): USA
Amount of fans/followers: 1.1M
Topic/Niche: Humor, Food, Family and friends
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks):

This page is 1.1M followers
It has 84M video likes
Verify. I am an artist. But I post humor on this page. I’ve made one of my song trend number 3 on TikTok just by posting memes with my song behind it. I’ve made about 33k from this page in a month. Unfortunately I’ve become very busy and the company I use to work with shut down. This page use to make about 10M a day if not more but because I haven’t have the time to post it slows down. If you can make time to post everyday you will go viral every time and company’s will be reaching out to you for business


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name the account


what’s the handle?

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