1,7 M fan page, super active, 60 K likes per post / 1.6 M people reached / La liendra video - Number 1 Influenceur in Colombia

Country of followers (majority): Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador
Amount of followers: 1.7 Million ![4|636x500](

Topic/Niche: La liendra video - Humor, different video, various stuff
Promotion methods used? Organic

Description: I have no time to look after it anymore but the page is crazy active. Feel free to ask any details.
La liendra fan page. Business owner remains on the page as it was created by an instagram account which got disabled. La liendra is number 1 influenceur in south America.


Hi, link please. I’m interested

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Post reach 2 Million now.


Please dm me the link, interested.

@yrf I sent you the link in private, cheers

Page link please. Thank you!

Link sent in private thank you

Hey pm link

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New stats updated.

Link in private. Price is advertised.


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