1.9 M Luxury Account

Country of followers (majority): India
Amount of followers: 1’933’784
Topic/Niche: Luxury
Does it include the OG (original) email?: Yes
Promotion methods used? (Organic/S4S/Follow Unfollow/Engagement Networks): Organic, Engagement Networks


I’m selling a Luxury account with 1.9 M Followers (mainly from India) with a very good username (luxury niche). The Account was inactive for a long time and needs to be reactivated again. It has good potential for someone who has the knowledge in (e-commerce, advertising, travelling etc.). I’m selling this account because i’m done with the “instagram-game” and i’m looking for new challenges. I would like to hand over this account to someone who has good knowledge about instagram/social media.


Pm me username

When was the most recent post? Have you been posting at all, like once per week?

Pm username

please send me username.

You are getting 3 comments a post.


Username please.

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